Founded: 1998 by Paolo Paoloni
Winery Location: The winery and its vineyards are located in Valle de Guadalupe - mid valley, high on a southern facing slope.
Region and grape source: All grapes are sourced from the estate vineyards located in Valle de Guadalupe 8 miles from the Pacific.
Annual production: 10,000 cases
Number of wines made: 10
Vineyard location, elevation and grape varieties:
Valle de Guadalupe - 1,100 ft - estate vines - (Sangiovese, Montepulciano, Nebbiolo, Brunello, Aglianico, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Syrah)
Winemaker: Paolo Paoloni (Italian born, now a Mexican citizen, lives in Valle de Guadalupe)
Other notes:
While he markets under the name of "Paoloni" for export, his estate in Valle de Guadalupe is marketed under the name "Villa Montefiori".
All of the plants in his vineyards were directly imported by Paolo from Italy.
Click HERE to visit their website
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